Color Series F: Signaling Power

Fiction is more important than function. Fresh paint and fashion hues make cities attractive. Fantasies and utopias create more valences than reality Think of Schloss Schönbrunn, the Louvre, the Colosseum and Neuschwanstein. Colours with signalling power and charismatic meaning aren’t opposites, rather a unique quality of being derived from their individual meaning.

The painstakingly graduated shades offer a wide range of variation. The general consensus is that they are also likely to face increasing demand. The scope of the question about the ability to stimulate with design is just as extensive as that about its calming effects.


From architecture to abode
Seeing from ‘rods’ to ‘cones’

The place determines the colours. Facades are the great story tellers. They form the recognisable features of avenues and streets. Facades need to project gravitas. They can also arouse curiosity, happiness and visible joy. One of the purposes of architecture is to invite human beings to communicate. City enthusiasts and boulevardiers feel most at home in an urban environment.

To experience their haptic qualities, the exterior walls of some buildings need to be touched. Human beings are blessed with around 1.4 trillion skin receptors and around 250 million photoreceptors, comprising 240 million “rod receptors” for black and white vision, while the remaining “cones” are for colour vision. This also means that “haptic” impressions trigger sensations that are concordant with “optic” impressions.

Orange-red appears warm and rosy, peach-yellow in contrast fruity and soft. In any case, red, orange and rose tinted architectural surfaces produce feelings of home, wellbeing and security.

This effect applies to occupants and onlookers alike. Balconies, terraces and alcoves are an important part of truly fulfilled living at our latitudes. They are the ever available local recreational area. Living happens everywhere: within your own four walls as well as outside. We regard the garden and the terrace or the balcony as an extension of our living room. Relaxing mainly happens beyond the balcony door.


From shades of crème-rosé-white to pastel colours and midtones.

Faint orange, chrome orange, vermillion, hollyhock pink, permanent orange, Sahara yellow, Spanish orange, spectral orange, salmon pink, rosé, rouge, light yellow crème, pink, white-pink, peach pink, light coral, crimson pink, peach white, tea flower pink, magenta, cold pink, carmine pink, rose madder, cognac, Indian orange, cadmium orange, tea orange, deep orange, Victoria orange, white orange, orange, apricot, azalea orange, amber orange, Persian orange, peach orange, curry yellow, opal pink, rust, Naples yellow, glossy orange, pale red, Naples red, Parisian red, golden ochre, grey orange, meat red, fuchsia, scarlet red, calypso red, carrot orange, coral orange, white red, tomato red, Japan red, faint pink, glossy red, indigo red, rosehip red, rusty red, pastel red, rose wood red, Indian yellow, light maize, clay earth, light Sienna, rose quartz, bronze pink, bluish pink, yellow pink, skin colours, heath red, straw colour, faint orange, faint Sienna, light cinnamon, chrome yellow, ice pink, Etruscan pink, flamingo pink, meat colour, wine pink, delicate pink, light tomato, crimson red, calypso red, Indian pink, magnolia red, pearl red, Venetian red, brick red, porcelain pink, clam pink, desert red, powder red, sandstone red, pink-red, mother-of-pearl pink, pearl pink, pink, camellia pink, lotus pink, mandarin red, sultan red, raddle, pompadour red, melon red, lobster red, henna red, incarnate red, light red, Indian red, chalk red, Indian red, translucent red, Vienna red