If anchoring the thermal insulation traditionally and under certain climatic conditions, unwanted drawing of anchors on the façade occurs. We can anchor the thermal insulation to prevent this phenomenon by the adhesive anchor Baumit StarTrack. We install anchors even before bonding polystyrene insulating boards, it means directly on the wall. Individual insulating boards are bonded only afterwards. We form a perfect bonded joint between the wall and the insulating board safely anchored in the supporting base by the anchor and the high-quality adhesive.
For the builder: The builder can always see the base to which he is going to install the anchor, there is no risk of damage, and he can also choose a suitable place so that the anchor really holds in the base.
For the investor: Adhesion anchors do not change regardless of presumed insulation thickness and length, or even price.
For all: Adhesion anchors do not disturb the integrity of insulation layer. A thermally insulated house is perfectly covered by insulation without any thermal bridges, and the façade is nice without any unwanted stains.
Verify the quality of base; at reconstruction, find out also thickness of the original plaster.
Choose a suitable type of adhesive anchor Baumit StarTrack.
Install the adhesive anchors Baumit StarTrach according to the prescribed pattern.
We recommend using the adhesive Baumit StarContact White, Baumit StarContact, Baumit openContact or Baumit ProContact for making a bonded joint.
At next stages of construction, follow all usual processing principles.
Mechanical fixing for porous concrete and critical substrates
Baumit StarTrack Red allow a good adhesion without additional fixing for Baumit Open - KlimaFaçade and for Baumit ETICS
Mechanical fixing tailored specifically for doubling the insulation of existing exterior insulation finishing systems.
Only use of a high-quality adhesive mortar will allow to make a safe and permanent joint between a StarTrack anchor disc and an insulant that will surely transfer all stresses from the system surface to the supporting base. Our recommendation is to use an adhesive of the highest possible quality, ideally StarContact White. Enjoy your pleasure from the thermally insulated façade with adhesive anchors Baumit StarTrack without thermal bridges without any fear for a long time!
Natural white, mineral-based, dry adhesive and basecoat render for Baumit EWI systems. Also suitable as a bonding mortar on to concrete. Complies with ETAG 004.
Mineral based, dryadhesive and base ciat render for Baumti EWI systems.
Vapour-permeable, natural white, mineral-based and fibre-reinforced dry powder adhesive and basecoat render. Specially developed for Baumit OpenSystem.
Breathable façade insulating panels made from EPS (μ value ≤ 10)
Grey, water vapour permeable, perforated EPS boards, part of the ultimate highly breathable EWI system. Baumit OpenSystem, with improved thermal insulation
Grey insulation panels with excellent thermal insulating properties.
Insulating panels, made from EPS (expanded polystyrene) ganulated foam plastic
Façade insulation panels on the EPS basis of grey colour.