Hand plasters still have their fans among fans of meticulous craftsmanship. High-quality core and stucco plasters with a nice traditional surface structure contribute to a comfortable home feeling in every interior. Ideal for renovations and for smaller surfaces.
When choosing a plaster, we need to take into account several factors:
The substrate that I'm going to plaster
Final plaster structure
The type of environment (interior, exterior, increased humidity, mechanical stress, etc.)
Lime-cement hand-made plasters are suitable for interior and exterior plastering. Single-layer plasters are suitable for max. up to 3 cm plaster thickness. Thin-layer plasters can also be used for precise masonry such as aerated concrete and concrete. Hand plasterboard is suitable only for the interior. It is especially popular with higher plaster thicknesses and for renovation works.
Gypsum-lime plaster, can be smoothed over very easily, for universal use, good adhesion
For renovations and for higher plaster thicknesses we recommend two-layer plaster systems.A coarse core plaster is first applied onto the prepared substrate and a thin stucco layer of the plaster or high-build coating is then applied upon maturing.
Restorations where it is not possible to make thermal insulation we applythermal insulating plasters, which at least in part can improve the masonry properties and increase the surface temperature of the walls in the interior, important for achieving thermal comfort. These plasters belong to the group of extra light plasters and are therefore suitable for new masonry with high thermal insulation properties.