How to choose the inner plaster

How to choose the inner plaster

Selection of proper plaster can positively rise the value of masonry, save costs, minimise labour demands, and prevent occurrence of defects during the construction lifetime. Proposing of the most suitable plaster system means to know all requirements put on the plaster.


  • What is the substrate I am going to plaster? Brick, porous concrete, old masonry etc.
  • What final look of the plaster I want to achieve? Do I want a completely smooth glazed surface, levelled, grainy, structured?
  • Which environment I have? Common residential areas, rooms with increased humidity, stressed areas etc.
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In order to ensure correct functioning, the brickwork has to be harmonised with selection of proper plaster. Depending on flatness and type, the brickwork can be plastered by a single-layer or multi-layer plaster system. The selection of plaster depends also on a wanted look of surface, type of the environment, character of the substrate, and requirements for functionality of the plaster.

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Porous masonry

Porous blocks are made of natural raw materials. These are precise masonry units, lightweight with high vapour permeability.
The precise masonry units enable also use of thin-layer plasters for plastering. Thicknesses of these plasters in the interior start from app. 6 mm.

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Concrete substrate

Concrete belong to the most used building materials. It is used mainly for construction of supporting structures, lintels, bond beams, pillars, ceiling plates, foundations, concrete blocks etc. There is a wide range of plaster systems for the concrete substrate, either for manually applied or machine applied plasters, consisting of multiple layers, thin plasters or screeds.

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Cement-wood materials

Currently, there are several alternative walling units. One of them is an ecological material on the wooden chips basis. Building blocks (e.g. DUrisol) or sandwich panels with building plates (e.g. Velox) can be concerned.

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High thermal insulating masonry

Walling units with very good thermal insulating properties have different building and physical parameters than traditional bricks, and a special attention should be paid to their plastering, namely in the entire process from selection of plaster, composition of the plastering system up to precise solving of details.

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Sand lime bricks

Ecological material with excellent acoustic properties and great accumulation capacities enables use of a wide assortment of plasters. We recommend especially Klima plasters for better regulation of climate in the interior.