Adhesives for tiling

Adhesives for facing and tiling

Selection of a suitable adhesive is key for achievement of an optimum result. The decision depends always on the quality of substrate, conditions of its use, but also on the type and size of facing. And of course – all adhesive for facing and tiling must meet parameters of European technical standards.

Adhesion is the basis

Lepidlá na obklady

Minimum value of adhesion for cement adhesives according to EN STN 12004 is 0.5 N/mm2. Such adhesives are marked as grade C1. Adhesives of the grade C2 have this minimum level set to as much as 1.0 N/mm2. Grade C1 adhesives can be used for facing and tiling of smaller dimensions and with higher absorbability. For larger facing with lower absorbability, such as for instance sandstone, use adhesives with higher strength.

Flex or common?

The higher quality of adhesive, the higher safety of the system. Value S1 according to STN EN 12001 guarantees the binding mortar resistance against cross deformation of min. 2.5 mm. Adhesives Baumit Baumacol S1 are highly flexible, ideal for the most demanding applications.

Important for processing

Improved processing parameters – higher comfort at every application. Get savvy about the assortment and identifications of the Baumit Baumacol adhesives!

T = binding mortars with reduced slide
Suitable for facing of walls, larger and heavier facing
E = binding mortars with extended time
It is the time after application of adhesive on the substrate during which the facing can be bound without reducing adhesion. Suitable for instance for facing of larger areas.
F = quick-drying binding mortars
Adhesives with quick-drying cement. For those pressed by time.

Lepenie obkladu

Premium TOP adhesives

Premium adhesives Baumacol FlexTop, FlexTop Speed or FlexMarmor with the highest quality parameters for various areas of application and for all types of facing components, even for bigger formats, facing with low absorbability, such as for instance sandstone.

Baumacol FlexTop Speed

Flexibilné rýchloschnúce lepidlo
  • Grade C2TF S1
  • Quick-drying flexible adhesive
  • Grouting of facing already after 3 hours

Baumacol FlexTop

Flexibilné lepidlo na obklady
  • Grade C2TE S1
  • Flexible cement adhesive
  • For binding of all types of facing and tiling

Baumacol FlexMarmor

Biele flexibilné lepidlo
  • Grade C2TE S1
  • White flexible adhesive
  • For binding white stone, marble and mosaic glass


Also basic quality adhesives can be found in our assortment. Adhesive Baumacol FlexTop with high adhesion and improved processing properties for a good price or the basic adhesive of the grade C1 for common facing in the interior without special demands.

Baumacol FlexUni

Flexibilné rýchloschnúce lepidlo
  • Grade C2TE
  • Improved processing characteristics
  • For larger facing, and facing with lower absorbability, e.g. sandstone

Baumacol Basic

Flexibilné lepidlo na obklady
  • Grade C1
  • Basic cement adhesive
  • For common facing of smaller areas and with higher absorbability