3 Elements of Healthy Living: Insulation First

Insulation First for Protection and Cosiness

Good thermal insulation not only makes a significant contribution to the energy efficiency of your building but also ensures preasantly warm walls in winter and cool walls in summer. The living space thus becomes a comfortable space with no draughts. Living becomes comfortable and healthy.

  • Cosy Living Temperature
  • Healthy Humidity
  • Mould Prevention 

After two years of intensive research analysing and evaluating 5 million data points in the VIVA research park, it is clear that construction methods and building materials have a significant impact on health and quality of life. Regardless of which architecture you choose when building a house, all houses have one thing in common. In order to create a healthy building, the following three areas have to be taken into account:

  1. INSULATION FIRST – Protection and cosiness
  2. SOLIDITY COUNTS – Safety and comfort
  3. INTERIOR VALUES – Natural and healthy living

How Thermal Insulation Makes a Healthy Home

The most effective method for creating a healthy living 
space is to optimally insulate the façade. The better the insulation, the more comfortable it will be. This is good for 
our health and reduces energy consumption.

Complete thermal insulation, also known as the external thermal insulation composite system (ETICS), is a system consisting of tested system components for the exterior insulation of buildings. It represents an excellent long-term investment in your house. You benefit immediately from a better quality of life and reduce your energy costs over many decades from the very first hour.

We spend most of our lives indoors. Factors that contribute towards physical well-being include a comfortable room temperature, indoor air humidity, air quality, etc. That is why our “living spaces” are so important for your health.

The 3 Elements of Healthy Living

After two years of intensive research analysing and evaluating 5 million data points in the VIVA research park, it is clear that construction methods and building materials have a significant impact on health and quality of life. The three elements of healthy living: Insulation First, solid construction and interior values.