Polystyrene belongs to the group of foam plastic materials. It is manufactured from styrene by actuation of water vapour and foaming agent, and thus it is called also a polystyrene foam. Only little energy is consumed at its manufacture, and no other waste is produced.
Polystyrene itself contains app. 98 % of air. EPS represents only 1 % of the total average of municipal waste. Thus, polystyrene is environmentally friendly and recyclable.
Choose only high-quality certified products with CE. On the market, you can meet with new marking of polystyrene, i.e. airpop®.
For contact thermal insulating systems, we use façade polystyrenes marked by the grade F.
The mostly used insulant in civil engineering is the white polystyrene.
The new generation are grey insulating boards that, thanks to the content of infrared absorbents (graphite particles). achieve more than 23 % better thermal insulating properties. Some grey insulating boards are coated by a reflective light layer for better processing.
Innovative perforated insulating boards Baumit open achieve excellent vapour permeable properties thanks to the patented system of openings.
Quality for good price
White insulating boards
Favourite thermal insulation of professionals, simple processing